Revolution features several gamemodes alongside the traditional gamemodes from III.

The second is called Quake III: Revolution, and was released for the PlayStation 2 in 2001, created by Bullfrog Productions and published by Electronic Arts this version features several elements (maps and characters) adapted from Team Arena, along with a more mission-based single-player mode, and split-screen multiplayer for up to 4 players (sadly, it lacks mouse support and online play due to the PS2's network adapter not being released outside of Japan until 2004). The first release was for the Sega Dreamcast in 2000, ported by Raster Software and published by Sega, and featured 4 player online crossplay versus Dreamcast and PC gamers. Like most PC games, III also has console versions. It also adds three new gamemodes, all of them team-based. New features include the ability to give roles to your teammates, voice messages, being able to select a face in addition to a skin, three new weapons in the Nailgun, the Chaingun and the Prox Launcher, six new items in the game's own version of the Runes from Threewave CTF (here they're Ammo Regen, Doubler, Guard and Scout) as well as two new "holdable" items: the Kamikaze and the Invulnerability Force Field. Here you must choose a team and duke it out with the other clans. The game has an Expansion Pack in the form of Quake III: Team Arena, made by id themselves, which was focused on team games. The single-player mode contained only a very basic story, and was based around a series of tiers, with the player making its way to the final match against the Champion. Id had recognized the fact that the deathmatches were easily the most popular thing about Quake so far, and created this entry as a virtual arena for competitive online matches. This game was designed almost exclusively with multiplayer mode in mind.

Characters from several of Id's games, such as Doom and the two previous Quake games, were present in it. The plot of the game is simple: Several warriors from all the corners of the galaxy duke it out in order to entertain the Vadrigar, and win the honor of being the most badass warrior of all time. It was developed by id Software and released for PC in 1999. Quake III: Arena is the third entry in the Quake series.